Avast ye!

My photo
Ahoy,me hearties! I'm Cap'n Xenon, the head of this spaceship. I live far away from the Earth, about 1 light year - equal to 9500,000,000,000 kilometers. Aye,I know it sound ridiculuos!Outer space is full of fascinating and mysterious things that are still not found yet b'cause the Universe keep expanding and it may be has no END...What ye expect ye'll found in outer space? Planet looks like yer Earth or the existing of the ET? I already found The ET creature whether its real or it's just my dream,I don't know.Now, are ye ready for the journey to the outerspace? If yes, make sure yer oxygen tank is still full!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Extinct Animals

Friendly greetings, dearest friends...
After I went to the Jurassic Era about 203-135 million years ago using my time traveler machine,
I went to some place to see the animals that already extinct and no more exist in 2011...
Sometimes, I'm thinking why all these happened?

Without wasting any time...
I present you these information...

This weird animal as ZEUGLADON (Yoked Tooth) also known as BASILOSAURUS. These animals known as 'The King Of The Reptiles' but it's a mammals. Basilosaurus are carnivore- of course, they were! Just look at it's teeth! It has been extinct about 37 million years.

Whoohoo!! This in my favorite animal. Looks like a tiger but with those sharp and long fangs, this animal called SABER TOOTH TIGER. Saber tooth tiger lived in Europe and North America. These carnivore were fast runner ever! Actually, these animals were not came from tiger family. It was a genus of prehistoric cat known as SMILODON. Those fangs were almost 1 foot long!

Looks like this animal mixed with zebra and horse genetics. This is QUAGGA or it's scientific name is EQUUS BURCHELLI QUAGGA was a subspecies of plain zebra and extinct in the late of 1800s.

 PHORORHACOS (rag thief) is a carnivore that lived in South America. Looks like mythological creature of Greek but this animal  was real. Don't underestimated this animal because it was 8 feet tall and can caught and eat you in the blink of the eyes.

This cute looks like elephant is MASTODON. Mastodon lived during ICE AGE. It has three layer of fur that keep it warm. Mastodon is a herbivore animal.

This is also my favorite animal too- IRISH ELK( Megaloceros Giganteus) also called IRISH DEER. It is one of the largest deer that was exist. Look at that big and beuatiful antlers, I love it.

So, that's it.
May this new post give you some new information~
 By your leave,


  1. phew...
    its really amazing...
    your blog is unique!!
    salam ziarah.. :)

  2. thanks ye Lia Irdelia...
    saye masih baru dalam dunia blogger..
    banyak lagi perkara yang saya perlu belajar..
    salam ziarah juga (~,~)

  3. keep blogging..
    nice sharing :)

  4. thanks ye sis92 and ini blog saya :)

  5. aku mmg tertarik bila bab baca2 prehistoric era nih...

  6. prehistoric era is the best! ehe(~,~)
    sape yg tak suke dengan perkara misterikan?

  7. fucking awesome blog!!!!loved it....n the tune too!!:)
